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China businessman wants to “Supple” me

By Kelsey | January 14th, 2008 | 8 Comments »

I’m tired of harder, stronger, longer-lasting, spine-tingling SPAM. So, it made my day when this email landed in my SPAM box:

(Dear friends,
Sorry to bother you.We are a large-scale merchandise wholesaler in China,
Our merchandise such as,Tv,notebooks,phones,psp,projectors,motorcycles,musical instruments ect.Our products are in good quality,but low price,it will interest you.At the same time,we can supple you the direct and quick service.we are legal sellers.
Our website is : www.nyqbw.com
MSN: nyqbw@hotmail.com
Email: nyqbw@hotmail.com
skype: nyqbw1
TEL: +86-15037747598
If you think we are excellent, please contact us.We will serve for you will all our effort.),,

What makes this bit of SPAM so palatable:

- The parentheses are the punctuational equivalent of whispers from a street hawker in an alley with an overcoat lined with knockoff watches.
- Ect.
- I’m always interested in being Supple-d. In fact, it has been quite some time since I’ve been Supple-d.
- “We are legal sellers.” To be honest, I’m not going to lie you, but more times than not, to be truthful, when someone says, they are “legal sellers” they are excellently full of crap.

I’ll pass on this offer from my dear, excellent friend, but if any of you feel like you need a nice supple-ing, feel free to contact him.

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8 Responses to “China businessman wants to “Supple” me”

  1. Melissa Says:

    The “legal sellers” part reminds me of when I was a kid and my parents told me not to trust anyone who said, “Trust me.”

  2. Kent Says:

    “legal sellers” who supple via hotmail and skype.)),,

  3. Kelsey Says:

    Don’t you ever want to respond to these offers just to see how ridiculous the racket really is? I have the notion to email this fella back and tell him that I would like to learn more about this excellent opportunity.

  4. Kent Says:

    If I wasn’t so busy at word today, I would have.

  5. zozinnyo Says:

    Hi all,

    We order a unit(macbook) from this “company???” and we happened the same think!!
    We sent money and after it no answer!!!
    This “company” cheat,steal,lie!!!!!!!
    We sent the report to the Chinese embassy and Chinese police (to Bejing)!!!

  6. the con man Says:

    This is a lieing company!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. the con man Says:

    This is truth!!!

  8. Definitely not Kelsey, he would never post this Says:

    someone should really stop all of the “lieing.” We, the people, are outraged.

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