Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

A thousand words

By Kelsey | October 14th, 2007 | 2 Comments »

My first and only trip to NYC wasn’t a typical first visit.

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2 Responses to “A thousand words”

  1. Rachael Says:

    Not commenting on this post - just using it to contact you!
    I started reading a book yesterday that you might be interested in. Of course, you may already have read and abandoned it, but I thought I’d mention it to you. Consuming Faith by Tom Beaudoin. I’m not sure where this (catholic) guy is going to take it, but the whole first chapter I kept thinking of you!! Sounds like he has had some similar experiences to you in trying to find out where his clothes were made - you might even want to interview him. He also may have thought about the whole issue in a slightly different way that *might* add some depth to your own thinking (not for a moment suggesting you are shallow!!!!!!).

    Yours sincerely,
    Your First Research Assistant who will not be delivering pizza with the book - in fact I won’t even deliver the book - you need to get your own copy and read it for yourself!

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Rachael, I’ll definitely check it out. I’m always up for a new perspective on the issue. Thanks.

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