Where Am I Wearing?

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A confession…

By Kelsey | July 1st, 2008 | 6 Comments »

I swerve for willy worms.

Category: Travel, confessions
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6 Responses to “A confession…”

  1. Jenn Says:

    Okay, I’ll bite. What’s a willy worm?

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Those cute little fuzzy worms that inch their way across the road. If Kyle decided to grow a moustache, it would look like a blond willy worm.

  3. shelley Says:

    Hi Kelsey, i think you should have a category called “kyle” :)

  4. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    I agree, Kels. As your super-cool big brother, I really should be featured more prominently on this blog.

  5. Jenn Says:

    Kelsey, just exactly how slow are you going to even notice a willy worm???

  6. Kelsey Says:

    Shelley, way to feed into his hallucinations of grandeur.

    Jenn, Apparently I have some kind of willy-worm-radar. I see those poor little fellas inching across the pavement and it just pulls at my heart strings - which of course are connect to my car steering strings.

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