Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Articles tagged with "essays"

Fantasy Kingdom on the World Vision Report

March 24th, 2008 | By Kelsey | No Comments »

You might remember my piece in the Christian Science Monitor titled “Frivolous gift or lifelong memory?” in which I take 20 kids and an old man into a Bangladeshi amusement... [Read this entry]

Pray to Jesus, Obama ain’t one of ‘em Muslims

January 28th, 2008 | By Kelsey | 5 Comments »

Barak Obama isn’t Muslim.
You can ask him. He’ll tell you.
Neither am I. But I’ve spent a lot of time around Muslims whose moral fabric, ethics, and... [Read this entry]

Victoria’s Secret: a non-pervs quest to buy his girlfriend underwear

December 24th, 2007 | By Kelsey | 4 Comments »

I wrote this piece last year and read it for Annie before I gave her the gift I bought. It’s about the lengths we’ll go to buy a gift... [Read this entry]

Author's Bio
I was made in America. My “Jingle These” Christmas boxers were MADE IN BANGLADESH.

I had an all-American childhood in rural Ohio. My all-American blue jeans were MADE IN CAMBODIA.

I wore flip-flops every day for a year when I worked as a SCUBA diving instructor in Key West. They were MADE IN CHINA.

One day while staring at a pile of clothes on the floor, I noticed the tag of my favorite T-shirt: MADE IN HONDURAS.

I read the tag. My mind wandered.

A quest was born. A book was written.
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