Where Am I Wearing?

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Archive for the Best of 2008 Category


December 31st, 2008 | By Kelsey | 2 Comments »

2008 was the year of the book at the Timmerman household.

January: signed contract to write book and hoped like hell I could do so before April. I was quoted in the Wall Street Journal.

March: Our only trip of the year, we went to Utah for my bro’s wedding

January to April: I was absolutely no fun, unless your idea of fun is watching someone slave away at the computer. Annie was a saint. I don’t think she complained once about the evenings and weekends I spent plugging away. I turned in my manuscript on time. Hooray!

Summer: Went on one vacation water-skiing. Reviewed, revised book. Road-tripped to the DNC where I learned that bird watching is bird porn.

November: WAIW? was reviewed in TIME Magazine. The issue was almost impossible to fine because it was the Obama-is-our-next-President commemorative issue.

December: Book released and book pimping began.

Although it may have been the year of the book, another story stole the shoe – the pending arrival of baby Timmerman. We were hoping she’d arrive this month for a number of reasons, including Annie is sick of being pregnant, and a host of grownup reasons (as Annie puts it: “Goodbye tax deduction, Hello new deductible!).

2009 will be the year of the baby (unless something happens in the next few hours) and, because of that, I don’t think I’ve ever look forward to a coming year more.

So, Happy New Year! If you want to keep up-to-date with baby Timmerman’s arrival whenever that is, follow me on Twitter. I plan on tweeting the big event.

Category: Travel, Best of 2008

Top Posts of 2008

December 31st, 2008 | By Kelsey | No Comments »

I wrote over 50,000 words here in 2008. Here are the most viewed posts of 2008:

Hot Girls Make Great Clothes

Nikes Marty McFly Hyperdunks

Sweatshop-free Obama Onesie

Nike’s Factory Flowchart

Dov Charney on SNL

A still boobless Mrs. Butterworth

Blood sweat and T-shirts

Budweiser: Belgium for Beer

Pepto Bismol is calling

Introducing the Where am I Wearing? cover

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