Press Kit & Photos

If you’re doing a story on me - THANKS!

If I’m speaking at your event - GREAT!

If you’re my mom’s friend and she sent you here to show you how handsome I am - SHUCKS!

Here is my official Kelsey Timmerman Press Kit (PDF) with more info on me and my books.

Flickr album for WHERE AM I EATING?

Flickr album for WHERE AM I WEARING?

If you need captions for any of the Flickr set photos email


Kelsey with arm around guy in green shirt: Kelsey with his boss at Earth University in Costa Rica where he worked as a bananer for the day.

Kelsey picking coffee: Kelsey picking coffee in Narino, Colombia, on a farm that supplies Starbucks with beans.

Kelsey with American farmer in white shirt: Kelsey with apple farmer Daryl Peterson near his farm outside Ludington, Michigan.

Kelsey surrounded by people: Kelsey with cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast.

Kelsey in kayak: Kelsey on the most interesting leg of a BUS trip in Burkina Faso

Kelsey with girl in white dress: Kelsey with Aty Zarwain, a member of Colombia’s Arhuaco tribe.

Kelsey with guy in black shirt: Kelsey with Migoel, a fair trade coffee farmer and a member of the Arhuaco tribe in northern Colombia.