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Nightmare on Sesame Street

By Kelsey | July 17th, 2008 | 3 Comments »

K’Nex, makers of Lincoln Logs, are in the cross heirs of the National Labor Committee for the poor conditions under which a Sesame Street play set is produced. The play set in questions is Ernie’s Building Set.

From the story in the New York Daily News:

“Every single labor law in China was being violated at this factory,” said Charles Kernaghan, director of the committee.
The report says that 600 workers - including 100 16-year-olds and some children as young as 13 - are forced to work seven days a week, up to 15 hours a day, often going for months without a day off.

The workers are allegedly paid 43 cents an hour and sometimes forced to work 23.5 hour shifts.

The Ernie Building Set in question retails for $10.99.

In the interest of full disclosure: Ernie is my favorite Sesame Street character. I never cared much for Bert.

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3 Responses to “Nightmare on Sesame Street”

  1. Melissa Says:

    That you like Ernie more sooo reminds me that you are the younger sibling! I thought Ernie was fun, but I sympathized with Bert for having to put up with Ernie messing with him. My brothers were always touching my things. Sigh.

  2. Kelsey Says:

    Bert is a grumpy, uni-browed Nerd. Ernie is carefree, fun to be around, and has a nicely shaped head.

    I hate to say it, but I lose a bit of respect for anyone that chooses Bert over Ernie.

  3. Melissa Says:

    But Bert had that thing for paper-clips! And organization and tidiness!

    When I was about 4 years old I had Bert and Ernie slippers (one was Bert; the other was Ernie). The unibrow fell off Bert. I looked and looked for it, but could not find it. It was quite traumatic.

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