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Mr T. says, “Get some nuts”

By Kelsey | August 7th, 2008 | 1 Comment »

A recent Snickers commercial has been banned because critics are claiming that it’s anti-homosexual.

Anti-gay? I don’t think so.

Anti-speedwalker? Yes.

Pro-funny? Definitely.

Decide for youself:

Inferring that all speed walkers are gay is like saying all guys that where excessive amounts of gold chains around their necks and earrings are gay. And even though Mr. T. is probably about 70, I pity the fool that questions his sexuality.

And in a somewhat related issue, here’s a drawing of Mr. T kissing Chuck Norris.

Category: Travel, In the News
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One Response to “Mr T. says, “Get some nuts””

  1. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    I’m voting “Pro-funny”.

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