Where Am I Wearing?

Let your mind wonder

Mr. Annie Timmerman

By Kelsey | September 10th, 2007 | 6 Comments »

Today, Annie and I were exploring Put-in-Bay on our Honeymoon/continuation of the Where am I Wearing? quest and I experienced a perfect storm of this-is-weird-moments:

I was driving down the street in a road-licensed golf cart on an island in Ohio passed a sweet smelling Ohio vineyard on the way to see a ship turned into a house on a cliffside with my WIFE.

We did it. I’m officially Mr. Annie Timmerman.

This sounds cheesy, but the wedding was perfect. We got married outside at my parents’ house in front of 300 family and friends. The weather held out just long enough for the wedding. Annie looked beautiful (I wish I had some pictures to post but I don’t, so you’ll have to take my word for it.)

Other highlights:

- noodles on mashed potatoes at the reception

- I can still do the coffee grinder

- Annie shook it to baby got back

- Kyle, my brother, gave a great best man speech where he used tectonic plates, Jupiter, and a snail to put the length of our 11-year courtship into perspective

- Mom still can do the moonwalk

- At the rehearsal dinner Dad busted out a wig and back-up sang to Duke of Earl. (note: this is the most uncharacteristic thing that has been done in the history of character)

Tomorrow we head to Perry, New York, where my shorts were made.

Category: Travel, My Life, Home
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6 Responses to “Mr. Annie Timmerman”

  1. Kyle Timmerman Says:

    Congrats again, you two! I hope that you are enjoying the honeymoon trip.

  2. Dalin Says:

    Congrats Kelsey! Hope the rest of the honeymoon is just as weird!

  3. Jenn Says:

    Due to said coffee grinder, moonwalk, Duke of Earl impressions, and tectonic plate references, I have decided your family is pretty much the epitome of ‘cool.’ Have fun in at the Falls!

  4. Lori Payne Says:

    Congrats! The wedding was beautiful. I have to admit that beyond seeing “little Kelsey” get married, the noodles ON mashed potatoes were a hit for me, too. And…Kyle’s toast was the best I’ve ever heard.

  5. Emily Says:

    you forgot to mention the annoying 3 year old who jumped on your back while you were tastefully removing Annie’s garter as a wedding highlight… who’s kid was that anyway??

    congratulations UNCLE KELSEY & AUNT NINNY!!!!!

  6. Kelsey Says:

    I didn’t think a thing of being attacked by that mysterious 3-year-old. I’m getting quite used to random attacks at crotch level.

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