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UNITE to NYC garment factory: You underpaid workers about $5 million

By Kelsey | July 24th, 2008 | 1 Comment »

The garment industry in the U.S. started in the north-east, followed cheaper labor overseas, and eventually, for the most part, jumped our borders. I know that LA is still (in)famous for its garment factories, but I had no idea that the needles were still thumping away in NYC.

These factories haven’t slipped beneath UNITE’s radar. From UNITE’s recent press release:

“This latest investigation shows that horrible sweatshop working conditions are still present in New York City and that the apparel industry is still not taking this issue seriously,” said Bruce Raynor, General President of UNITE HERE, the apparel and textile workers union. “The major apparel brands that were using this factory all have social responsibility systems that have failed to detect this major sweatshop operation.”

The factory that was recently cited, Jin Shun in Long Island City, NY, has operated under a number of different names, and was found to have underpaid more than 100 workers over several years. The Department of Labor stated that the contractor kept false records and coached its workers to lie to inspectors. The investigation also revealed that workers routinely worked twelve-hour days, six to seven days-a-week.

Not to belittle a workday of 12-hours or anything, but my dad has been working 12-hours six to seven days a week for about 35 years. Poor fella. Although, I suspect he pays himself a little better than what the workers at the Jin Shun get paid.

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One Response to “UNITE to NYC garment factory: You underpaid workers about $5 million”

  1. ouvriers cd apparel s.a Says:

    The objective of our walkout towards consists of you it’s to inform you of a position criticizes that we lived in Haiti, we the workers victims of the CD APPAREL S.A since May 4, 2007 this is that: FRANTZ PILORGE [owner of the cd apparel] of complicity with the private sector Haiti, the middle class haitian and the leaders of hanes [HBI] do all to maintain the workers in discrimination and the misery after the brutal closing and illegal of the plant CD APPAREL by Hanes without previous notice, refuse of us damage and repair. Of more FRANTZ PILORGE informed the workers than Hanes does not want to pay the workers by motive of racial discrimination and the color question, and course the workers are black haitian of more, he says, that to every closing of a plant, the persons in charge of Hanes do themselves always the duty of damage and pay charge to all of employees according to the requirement of the social international legislation of the work and the CODE OF CONDUCT from Hanes Therefore, PILORGE says if Hanes does not want repair the workers of cd apparel in Haiti this is a crime against humanity and a flagrant violation of the right of the workers. For more of informations, we invite yourself to click on these links. We are at sonapi, parc industial # 31. in here the address of our lawyer/ attorney : 509/34297129; 509/37548022; 22133089.We already get informed all People in the World by that means: The Trade Union Organisation , the ResponsiBles of Human Right ,the Social Group and the Lawer’s Men, if the Leaders of Saralee / Hanesbrands [Hbi] could take an other way different than the only one to damage the poor Haitian Workers to take note against them and sentence that nasty action against the protection and the Right of the Workers in the World . In sum Pilorge and Reginald Baker note for example Hanes pays charges and damage the employees of D.R, Puerto Rico; Mexico; Canada and the U.S.A Plant for what according to him Hanes refuse to dame the workers of CD APPAREL S.A [HG] for this : The responsibles of human right and the lawer’s men must demand to the responsibles of Hanes to pay the workers after 4 years of excellent works for the company Hanes !!! HE TERMINATES BY TELLING THAT THE LEADERS OF HANESBRANDS EXPLOIT THE POORS HAITIANS WORKERS [SAYS FRANTZ PILORGE ]

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