Posts with Category This Writer’s Life

I'm not running alone.

Whelp, today is the day I run the NYC marathon. You can follow me by going to the ING NYC Marathon’s site. My bib # is 33809. Also, I will be posting photos of the day’s events to my twitpic account.

It’ll be me taking each step, but so many have supported me and my cause. I feel like I’m running for a with a whole bunch of folks.

Annie, as always has been a saint. Since June I’ve either been running or recovering from a run every Saturday. On occasion I did milk my “recovering” excuse to watch football. Sorry, Annie.

Harper has been my training partner. I’ve pushed her hundreds of miles around the city of Muncie and she didn’t complain once.


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Happy Halloween!

Annie’s cousin Steph sent this to Annie and I thought I’d share it. I’m the mad scientist, Annie is Frankenstein’s bride, Steph is the werewolf, Julie is Frankenstein, and Annie’s Grandma Betty is Dracula.

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Cussin' to Church

I often think about incompetence.

Tonight for instance, I thought about it a lot. I had plenty of time to do so because I was driving around Muncie for a 1.5 hours with two pecks of apples looking for a church with “Grace” in its name.

I cussed all the way to the west side of Muncie, and then…

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A new reason to listen to me yap…

Earn college credit!

Tonight I’m speaking at Manchester College and students who attend can earn Values, Ideas, and Arts Credit (VIA). Here’s what the college’s calendar says:

Thursday, September 24 7 p.m.
Wine Recital Hall Kelsey Timmerman on Where Am I Wearing?

What’s it like to go undercover as an underwear buyer in Bangladesh? Kelsey Timmerman can tell you. In 2007, he took out a second mortgage on his house so he could travel across the globe to meet the people who make our clothes. The result is his book, Where Am I Wearing? A Global Tour to the Countries, Factories, and People That Make Our Clothes. Says Timmerman: “If we reduce global issues to…

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Weekend Update

1) I’m speaking at Manchester College in West Manchester, Indiana, Thursday in the Wine Recital room at 7:00 PM. I’ll be visiting a few classes during the day. (here’s a list of other places I’ll be in the near future).

2) Philadelphia’s libraries are staying open! I hope other struggling libraries around the country can say the same thing.

3) Harper bit me in the back.

4) If you’d be interested in having me speak at your school, church, organization, business, or cult, I made this handy page to help you.

5) I got grass stain on the knees of my jeans for the first time in a long time. It feels good. I was playing Aerobie (those things are magic) with my nephew Jared and I dove (okay, I…

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Talking with Ted Kooser

Do you ever feel like a dog in your indecision? You know those times when you are trying to convince your dog to do something new and they start to whimper and walk circles. That’s how I felt yesterday.

I was driving and listening to one of my favorite talk shows on NPR “On Point”. There are bigger and more popular shows on the radio, but there are few hosts I would rather sit down and chat with than Tom. I sent Tom a copy of “Where Am I Wearing?” with a note expressing how much I enjoy the show. I didn’t hear back, but I’ve kept listening. Unfortunately I rarely catch the show live. Instead I listen to the podcast, which is convenient but I don’t have an…

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Shoot Me: What good is humiliation if you can't share it?

I am sick of looking at me.

I just scrolled through 600+ photos of me to select a few for my new Press Kit page. It was my first photo shoot since my high school senior pictures. Maybe I’ll print out these photos and on the back I’ll write you a personal note about how much fun we’ve had these last four years and how I know we’ll keep in touch because we are totally BFFs. Or maybe I’ll just select the goofiest photos and post them below.

Brian MacDonald of MacDonald Photography shot the 600 photos plus my new book trailer. I wonder if his finger hurt as much from snapping shots as my face hurt from smiling. We did have some fun doing it, as evidenced below,…

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Great Expectations: Fatherhood vs. Authorhood

I’ve heard about authors saying that releasing your book to the world is like becoming a new parent – all that excitement and anxiety.

Since my book and my first child were separated by little more than one month, I believe I have a unique perspective on this and I’m prepared to make the definitive statement on the matter:

Releasing a book is nothing like having your first child. I suspect, if I would have been the one doing the pushing, sweating, and contracting for 23 hours, I would be even more adamant about this, if not offended by the comparison.

Sure, I’m concerned about how my book is perceived by the world-at-large, but what little (I’m lucky) criticism the book…

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