Our daughter Harper. When you become a parent you have less time to give to change the world, but more of a reason.
Last year I learned a lesson in giving by giving $10 every Tuesday for the entire year. Here’s what $520 taught me.
Now I’m searching for a better way to give. So, I’ve decided to start giving like Bill Gates.
No, no, I’m not going to single-handedly end a disease with my billions hundreds of dollars. What I mean is that I’m going to give smarter and more intentionally. I’m not privy to the inner workings of how the Gates…
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I noted on a friend’s facebook wall that I was watching Al Jazeera English. Another commenter couldn’t believe any self-respecting American would watch Al Jazeera. No doubt, he thought I was a terrorist. (If only he knew about my anti-flatulence underwear!) I’m not sure why seeking out and watching one of the largest and most-respected networks closest to the heart of much of the world’s major current events, is a bad thing. But there you go. Terrorist. Me.
Anyhow this got me thinking about the stereotypes of media outlets and what where we get our news says about us.
(forgive me as I share a few stereotypes)
If you watch Fox News you are conservative red…
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Welcome to the first Glocal Challenge of the Go Glocal Project!
Let’s do this!
What does Timbuktu think of you?
Do you read any newspapers based in developing countries ? Me neither. What if we did? How would seeing how the world sees us change the way we see ourselves?
Conor Friedersdorf had an interesting piece in the Atlantic Monthly comparing CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, to Al Jazeera. The American mainstay cable network sites’ headlines were filled with royal wedding news, puppies, and sex, while Al Jazeera had headlines about the press in Iraq, women’s rights in Bahrain, and war crimes in Sri Lanka.
Are we really that self-centered and shallow?
Friedersdorf writes:
If Americans felt an appropriate degree of responsibility for the…
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The Go Glocal Project
What happens in our community happens to the rest of the world. And what happens to the rest of the world happens to us. The global is local. The local is global. In tough times we must be global citizens as well as local citizens, neighbors and volunteers as well as donors. We need to Go Glocal.
If you agree with this just go ahead and join the Glocal Project now. We’ve got a lot of work to do.
Ways to Join:
- Sign up for the Go Glocal Project’s monthly newsletter – more ways to go glocal and sneak peeks about what’s to come.
- Join The Go Glocal Project’s Facebook Page
- If…
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“It’s a beautiful story and it’s a lie,” said Jon Krakauer at the beginning of yersterday’s 60 Minute piece attacking Greg Mortenson, his books Three Cups of Tea and Stones into Schools, and the Central Asia Institute.
It didn’t stop with Krakauer.
“Totally false. He’s lying,” said a man pictured as a terrorist in Three Cups, but who is actually a respected academic in Pakistan.
“Greg uses CAI as his private ATM,” claimed a former board member of CAI.
“Grossly exaggerated.”
“Outright fabrication.”
“A steaming load of horseshit peppered with corn kernels of wisdom.” Me.
Thee Cups of Lies
After a failed summit attempt of K2, Mortenson stumbled into the village of Korphe where he was nursed back to health and promised a little…
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Odysseus Runs for Team Red, White, and Blue
Leaving your family isn’t easy. I leave mine for a month or two at time. That’s a tough goodbye. Each time I’m faced with it, I think about the men and women of our military. They are gone for much longer and traveling to lands far less welcoming.
Returning home is always sweet. I return with my hair a bit longer, a few pounds missing, and some great stories. Annie usually cuts my hair within a few days, a couple weeks eating dessert puts the weight back on, and I stew over the stories making them readable….
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I run myself to death.
Read my piece in the Christian Science Monitor about my experience running with world class Kenya Runners in the running capital of the world, Iten, Kenya, which sits at a breathless 8,000′.
Not one of my better ideas.
I guarantee you will burn calories reading it. Leave a nice comment over on the Monitor’s site, please.
(Spoiler alert: I touch an Olympian!!!!)…
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(Justin in Kenya with photographer Brian MacDonald)
I get compliments all the time on my blog. I wish they were all on the writing, but more times than not they are on design. This quickly leads to a discussion on how awesome the design firm that worked their magic here is.
If I had an ounce of artistic ability, if I could write instead of scrawl my name, if I could draw anything, I would beg for a job at Rule29. That’s about the highest compliment that I can dish out because, you know, I don’t want a real job. Every chance I’ve had to work with them has been loads…
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Today and Friday I’m speaking to the students at St. Louis Community College - Meramec. If you happen to be one of the students who heard me speak today, this post is for you.
I want this post to be a place where you can share experiences and thoughts about what it means to be a glocal living in St. Louis.
What opportunities and organizations are their in your area that need volunteers?
What opportunities are there for the Meramec community to reach out to the world (study abroad programs, cultural exchanges)?
Here are a few of the resources I mentioned during my presentation today:
Glocal Travel Guide/Glocal Volunteering Guide / Glocal Consumer Guide
Join The Go Glocal Project
Ways to Join:
- Sign up forRead More >
My new piece on attempting to run a half-marathon with world-class Kenyan runners at 8,000′ is hitting stations around the country this week. Listen to it now or risk never learning if I live through the experience.
I’d love for you to share your thoughts on the piece, the runners, or running in general over at the WV Report’s site….
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