Every Tuesday I give $10 to an individual or group as part of the $10 for Tuesday (#ten4tues) project. If you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments or email me at Kelsey@kelseytimmerman.com.
For a few weeks I actually gave a crap about soccer.
I think every game I watched had a goal that should have been allowed and wasn’t or was allowed and shouldn’t have been. At times it seemed a little like WWE wrestling. Still, the beauty of soccer is its simplicity.
I once played soccer on a sandbar in a remote village in Honduras (listen to my piece on the World Vision Report). Our goals were marked by wood shavings from a recently carved…
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In case you’ve been wondering about the $10 for Tuesday Project, I haven’t stopped. I’ve just been slacking posting about them. I’ve been on a whirlwind tour of Kenya, Ethiopia, and I just arrived in Uganda.
I’ve lived in the slums of Nairobi, visited soleRebels in Addis Ababa, checked in on NURU which has to be one of the coolest and most efficient new NGOs I’ve seen in awhile, and I ran with (and by with I mean an ever increasing distance behind) world champion Kenyans. The audio, photos, and chicken scratches in my moleskine are piling up.
So to catch up on my ten4tues, I thought I’d recap the past three Tuesdays below:
Tuesday #1: The Prophetess
Oh there’s so much to write here. In fact, one of the main…
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Home is where your heart is.
Home is where your story begins.
Home is where you are enslaved to your cat, poopy diapers, and lawn mowing.
Home is a lot of things. Even the ones that don’t exactly fall under the “awesome” category are missed when you aren’t home.
I’m leaving my home in a few days. Next Tuesday I’ll be in Nairobi, Kenya. I’ll be sure to continue the “$10 for Tuesday Project” there. I expect I’ll find some very interesting and worthy causes and people to support during the following 6 weeks, which will lead me from Kenya to Ethiopia, Uganda, and Ireland.
I’m giving my $10 this Tuesday to Muncie Habitat for Humanity because they physically build homes…
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Because it’s Tuesday.
Because this dude drives a 1990 Ford Taurus and he owes on it! (My favorite shorts aren’t even that old!)
Because he works at Wal-Mart.
Because he wrote this letter:
Dear Kelsey, I believe it is a great ministry to others for you to give them $10. Money really does add up. If I could only find someone to give me $60,000 to pay off my loans that I’m stuck with now that college is over, that would be amazing! It’s a bummer I’m unable to use my degree as I have wished since the economy is low. I attended Bethany Bible College for five years in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada. I’m originally from Michigan (which is the worst economy in the…
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I’ve never rooted so hard to not win $110.
My heart was leaping and falling and hanging on every loose ball, offensive rebound, and free throw during the NCAA Championship game between Butler and Duke.
I was literally leaping and falling on Butler’s last two shots. When the buzzer sounded I was a puddle of rabid, heart-broken fan on the floor. And I was $110 richer since I picked Duke to win it all.
The funny thing is, I’m a Duke fan. In fact, the last time I jumped around the living room like an absolute idiot during March Madness was when Laettner hit the shot to beat Kentucky.
There was just something wrong with my pocketbook profiting and my heart suffering. I didn’t want the money. I didn’t deserve…
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Why do we go the places we go? What do we expect to find when we get there?
Kristi Scott is wrestling with each of these questions. She is traveling to Peru to work at an orphanage for an entire year. This Tuesday as part of The #ten4tues Project, I’ll be giving $10 to Kristi.
For Kristi it’s a journey of faith and a desire to get our of her comfort zone. Some of the best experiences of my life — the ones where I thought “this is living” — have taken place out of my own comfort zone. That’s why I’m so excited to help support Kristi on her journey.
Kristi was kind enough to do a guest post on her motivations, hesitations, and expectations.
Checkout Kristi’s Blog Bold…
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$10 is barely enough to buy three milk shakes.
(Yes, I quantify fiscal responsibility in milk shakes. Just as when I was a kid I calculated car rides in Scooby-Doo episodes.)
But $10 can have a big impact. By donating $10 every Tuesday to an organization or individual of my choosing, I’ve been introduced to some amazing people doing some amazing things. Last week, an author friend of mine (Rebecka Vigus) decided to donate $10, a host of books, and do an event at the library of a librarian friend of mine. Next week, I’m posting a guest post from a recent college grad heading to South America for a year to work in an orphanage.
If I was interested in sloganizing my #ten4tues project, I’d say it was,…
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This Tuesday I supported my local NPR station. You should to.
Here’s why.
I’d also like to point folks to a cause carried over from my “Free Money” post two weeks ago. Ginger needs $10 to buy her recently adopted dog a seat belt. If you’re interested, I’ll hook you up with Ginger….
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One of the main things – and perhaps the most important – I hope to instill in my daughter is caring for her fellow man regardless of geographic location, ideology, orientation, creed, or color. There are a lot of organizations that accept donations and do amazing things with them. But there are few that truly empower kids as givers and show them how important it is to be part of a community of caring.
That’s why I’m giving $10 to See Kids Dream based in Columbus, Ohio, as part of my #ten4tues project. Join me if you want!
See Kids Dream Mission Statement
See Kids Dream is a charitable organization with a core purpose of…
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Wow! This week’s #ten4tues has been amazing.
Who knew that offering free money would introduce me to so many worthy causes supported by new friends and old? This is definitely something I’ll replicate in the future.
The tough part was choosing who to give the money to. Here were my top selections:
1)Kristi Scott is going to Trujillo, Peru to work at an orphanage. She writes that “the orphanage houses about 40 Peruvian children from various backgrounds including abuse, neglect, and extreme poverty.”
My thoughts: I spent a week at an orphanage in Guatemala and the experience has never left me. Giving to Kristi is a two-birds-with-one-stone kind of thing. It exposes orphans to a talented and passionate young woman. And it exposes a talented…
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