
I hope this picture of me sitting on a toilet in my front yard reading my Kindle makes Anthony Weiner feel better

By Kelsey

Breaking: It was Weiner’s weiner.

It turns out that Congressman Anthony Weiner has a habit of online-only (yeah right) affairs, and the photo tweeted from his Twitter account of the bulging member in briefs was, in fact, the member of Congress’s member.

Anyhow, in order to make Weiner feel better and take some of the media heat off of him, I’m releasing this photo of me on a toilet in my front yard reading my Kindle.

I know what you are thinking… “Kelsey, what are you reading on your Kindle?”

Unfortunately, I’m not at liberty to answer that at the moment, but I’ve hired a team of investigators who are looking into it.


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The whole world…

By Kelsey

…in my hands. Introducing Griffin Noah Timmerman.


Born May 26th, weighing a whopping 8 lbs 13 oz. A big thanks to Shawna Pierson of Shawna Renee Photography for snapping this great shot of G-money, Big Griff, Fin, Finn, or whatever we decide to call this little man.

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A thousand words (X 2)

By Kelsey

My doctor’s politics, a tough pill to swallow

A display at our dermatologist’s office in Muncie.

I bet the doctor doesn’t have a $6,000 deductible. Whether you are for against the message of the sign, I think we all can agree that we’d rather not have our doctor’s hit us with their political beliefs. Might as well have Rush Limbaugh playing in the waiting room.

The most appropriate store name ever?

By the time you own something from a rent-to-own place, you’ve paid more than three times what you would have paid if you just bought it in the first place. At least this store isn’t trying to hide anything.

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Death to Pine Trees…er…Merry Christmas

By Kelsey

Once a year I use a saw.


Actually, usually I watch someone else use a saw, but this year we saved $40 by going to a Christmas tree farm where we had to do the sawing ourselves. Our kill is now displayed in our living room.

More photos from the kill

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A thousand words…Harper’s toes in the ocean for the 1st time

By Kelsey

IMG_3579 copy

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Kids’ Coffin Maker in the slums

By Kelsey

Kibera slums (Nairobi, Kenya)

Children's coffin maker

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A thousand words: Dead End USA

By Kelsey

I pass this sign a couple of times per week on my run or on the way to the playground. It has recently been edited.

Dead End USA

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A Thousand Words: Harper is 1!

By Kelsey

<p>Harper turned one last week. And even though I never stepped out of the country in 2009, it was the most adventurous year I've ever had. I never knew there was so much to discover in our living room. There are bears, cats, fuzz balls, reflections, and so much more. About a year ago I wrote a piece for WorldHum titled Adventure Dad. In the article I wrote about how the adventures were just beginning. However, I think I underestimated the level of adventure that Harper would bring into our lives.</p>
<p>Harper is big into books rights now. One of her favorites is The Very Cranky Bear. Harper helps with the sound effects. She has the cutest roar I've ever heard.</p>
<p>2010 is shaping up to take me to some far corners of the world, it's going to be tough leaving my sidekick behind.</p>
                    <div class=

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A (few) thousand (weird) words

By Kelsey

Everything Ok

Really, what do you expect from a Chinese/Mongolian Grill located in Frankfurt, Indiana, where the high school’s mascot is a wiener dog? Love the honesty.

The Lobster Zone

At an Irish bar in Chicago. At least the lobster’s have a chance. It’s hard enough winning stuffed animals, which are neither slimy nor alive, with a crane.

Reserved Colon Parking

If you work at a colon & rectal clinic, I’m guessing that you hear your fare share of shameless wisecracks (wiseCRACKS, get it) each day. But when you label your parking spots like this, you’re just asking for it. This is a good photo to END the post.

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A thousand words: School is in

By Kelsey

And I complained about the hard plastic seats at my school that would stick to my legs in the summer time.

Mosquito Coast SchoolSchool is in on the island village of Kokata, Honduras (2005)

While there I taught the kids to play baseball.

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