Ball State Contest

This contest is designed to provide students a platform to use creative video to demonstrate this year’s Freshman Connections theme, The Difference You Make, and the themes of the book Where Am I Eating? By Kelsey Timmerman, who will be visiting Ball State April 16, Pruis Hall, 7:30pm.

The short film and/ or essay should be representative of a theme in the book and illustrate a social change that you can initiate because of what you have learned.

Short Film and Essay Contest Rules:

1. For Ball State Sophomores only. Individual and group entries are welcome.

2. Contest begins Sunday, March 2nd. All entries must be posted by midnight Monday, April 14th.

3. Videos limited to 5 minutes maximum. Essays limited to 4-6 pages maximum, 12 point font, double spaced.

4. Contest entries must represent Ball State University in a positive way. “Obscene speech, materials or activity is not protected by the constitution of the United States or the State of Indiana and is prohibited by University policy.”


“Each video should be uploaded to using the following naming convention: BallState_[Where Am I Eating]_[name of entry].”
Instructions for posting:
• YouTube videos must be linked to the Ball State Freshman Connections Facebook page. Contestants must ‘Like’ the Facebook page in order to post videos to it.
• In order to create a YouTube video, contestants must create a YouTube account. Videos can then be uploaded through this account.
• Once the video has been uploaded, copy the URL link of your video and paste the link in a post on the Freshman Connections Facebook page and submit.


“Each essay should saved as and emailed using the following naming convention:

BallState_[Where Am I Eating]_[name of entry].”

  • Contestants must ‘Like’ the Facebook page
  • Email essay as a PDF file to

Contest Prizes:
1st place - $500 Book Voucher to Barnes and Nobles at Ball State
2nd place - $300 Book Voucher to Barnes and Nobles at Ball State
3rd place - $200 Book Voucher to Barnes and Nobles at Ball State
*Only one prize will be awarded despite group submissions, team leader will be awarded prize*
*There will be prizes given to the top three winners of the short film contest and the essay contest!*

The three criteria for judging the YouTube contest entries and Essay submissions will be:

Effective communication of the theme


Winners will be announce during Kelsey Timmerman’s presentation on April 16th. The event starts at 7:30pm in Pruis Hall.


Remember: There will be prizes given to both the top three winners of the short film contest and the essay contest!

As a note: You are not required to create your own music for the Youtube video. You are allowed to use any music.