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Happy Birthday…

By Kelsey | September 4th, 2007 | 6 Comments »



Bad Ass Squinter Man…

Malaria Boy…

and all of the other identities of my big brother Kyle.

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6 Responses to “Happy Birthday…”

  1. Kyle Says:

    Thanks, Kels!

  2. Lynne Says:

    What a handsome guy! Bet his parents are VERY proud!!

  3. Melissa Says:

    Kyle-Doesn’t the Superman pic make you wish you were still here in un-A/C’ed Lambert?

    I still think it was hilarious that Mike saw you dressed up about thought he forgot the day of your orals…

  4. Kelsey Says:

    The best part about the Superman pic is that it was the last time the suit was ever seen. He hardly ever wears a suit and the one time he does, while playing dress-up, he loses it.

  5. Lynne Says:

    When you are Superman who has time to neatly tuck away your suit when changing, in a phone-booth mind you. There is Super Hero stuff to be done! No time to worry about hanging up a suit, or even knowing where it is. That’s how it goes with Super Hero guys.

  6. Kyle Says:

    Melissa- I do miss that sweet non-a/c office!!

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