Dildo or Firework?

Have you ever noticed that the names of fireworks are a little too dildo-like?

I just flipped through an online catalog of fireworks and found the following firework names: Aerial Avalanche, Burst and Bloom, Untamed Retribution, Bada Bing Bada Boom, Komodo 3000, Phantomizer, Bone Breaker, White Knight, Midnight Monsoon.

And the list goes on, but I should probably stop before Annie hollers up and asks what I’m doing. “Oh I’m just trying to find fireworks which have names that sound like dildos. (I’m thankful this is the first time this has ever occurred to me…but is the plural dildos or dildoes?)


And the list goes on, but I should probably stop before Annie hollers up and asks what I’m doing. “Oh I’m just trying to find fireworks which have names that sound like dildos. (I’m thankful this is the first time this has ever occurred to me…but is the plural dildos or dildoes?)

It really is true. How discraceful Josh! Jacob.

We’ll understand how the total package all
fits in place when Significantly Cry 4 releases on November 18 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Ps3 3, and Xbox 360.

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