A world of news: Info outlets from around the world

By Kelsey

For My first Glocal Challenge, I made a point to boycott American media and force myself to go elsewhere for news. Here’s a sampler of some of the media outlets I turned to and/or were recommended to me. If you have a favorite, make a case for it in the comments below and I’ll add it to the list.

I sorta failed the challenge, but like this list, I’m a work in progress.

The world is complex and the more angles we can see it from the better glocals we can be

North America (other than the major news outlets in the United States)

CBC – Canadian Broadcast Corporation
Global Post
Foreign Policy Magazine


Japan - There’s an awful lot going down in Japan right now. This is the largest newspaper in the world and you’ve never read it?!?!
Times of India
Bangkok Post – Thailand is the hub of SE Asia, so is the Bangkok Post.
Xinuha News Agency – China is on the big stage when it comes to the future and this is the nation’s largest newspaper. Yep, freedom of the press isn’t exactly a high priority or possible in China, but at least we can see what the party line is feeding the people. Newsweek says that the political spin on stories greatly diminishes when China isn’t involved.


BBC (UK) - Quality reporting and they just sound like they know what they’re talking about.
The Guardian (UK) – One of the best. The New York Times of the UK.
The Economist - Just makes you feel smarter. Seriously, if you quote and article from here that’s like quoting two New Yorker pieces. That’s worth something, right?

Latin America

Latin America Post (Colombia)
Buenos Aires Herald
The News (Mexico City)


Al Jazeera English - I start with their live stream of the news every morning.
Mideast Haaretz (Israel): For a close-to-the-source left-leaning view of what’s happening in Gaza.
The Jerusalem Post: A close-to-the-source center-right view of what’s happening in Gaza.


All Africa - The HuffPo of all things Africa.


Global Dashboard - The Huffington Post of development
Global Voices - Global network of blogs and citizen journalists
Alert Net - focuses on humanitarian crises.
Front page of all papers sortable by region

This resource is part of the Go Glocal Project.

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