Join me in supporting wounded veterans

By Kelsey

Running for Team RWB

Odysseus Runs for Team Red, White, and Blue

Donate here to support our wounded veterans

Leaving your family isn’t easy. I leave mine for a month or two at time. That’s a tough goodbye. Each time I’m faced with it, I think about the men and women of our military. They are gone for much longer and traveling to lands far less welcoming.

Returning home is always sweet. I return with my hair a bit longer, a few pounds missing, and some great stories. Annie usually cuts my hair within a few days, a couple weeks eating dessert puts the weight back on, and I stew over the stories making them readable. It takes next to no time for me to be back to normal.

But that’s not always the case for our soldiers.

They said goodbye. They went to war. Some of them returned injured or traumatized. Reintegrating into society can be a challenge.

I don’t think about the sacrifices soldiers make and their struggle to adjust to being home nearly enough.

Do you?

Well, here’s a chance for both of us to show our support.

I’m participating in the American Odyssey — a relay run from Gettysburg to D.C. — with Team Red, White, and Blue and could use your support. Here’s what Team RWB is about and why we chose our team name:

We named our team Team Odysseus Runs for TRWB because we think there is a strong metaphoric relationship with Team RWB veterans, and its mission.

Team Red, White & Blue’s vision is to transform the way wounded veterans are reintegrated into society when they return from combat and exit their position in the Active Duty force, Reserve or National Guard
and the symbolic importance of their journey. Just as Odysseus, the legendary Greek King of Ithaca and the hero of Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey — infamous for tricking the Trojan’s by hiding in the Trojan horse, encountered numerous obstacles and trials – he is ever hopeful that he will return home to his wife and son.

At Team Red, White & Blue we feel it’s our time – our turn – to give back to these heroic Americans who have risked so much and may have a long journey ahead of them. We propose a different kind of veteran support, one that is rooted in a deep understanding and willingness to listen to veterans and their families, and aid in their reintegration into the society they fought so honorably to defend and protect. Our special community of athletes advocates and supporters (corporate, non-profit and individual) are all committed to serving those who have served our great nation. Together with wounded veterans and their families and friends, we will develop meaningful, one-on-one relationships that will have lasting meaning and impact.

The Goals

My Goal: To not get lost. To not get abducted or molested or abducted and molested by civil war ghosts somewhere in the woods outside Gettysburg at 3 A.M.

Our Goal: My buddy Larry created this page on First Giving to raise money for Team RWB.

The Reward: When we raise over $500, I will post a photo of me sitting on my throne in my front yard. Here’s my throne…


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