The Art of Thank You
I take criticism better than I take praise. This is something I need to work on.
The past two weeks I’ve visited with three universities (Elmhurst College, Pfeiffer University, Wingate University) that have used Where Am I Wearing in their common reading programs. More than once after being introduced I stepped to the mic and said something like, “I need you to introduce me to my wife and daughter each time I walk in my house.”
I reward a very thoughtful introduction with an attempt to capitalize on a few light chuckles. Here’s Deb Burris introducing me at Pfeiffer…
The correct response to an introduction like this is simple: thank you.
I worked my butt off to make Where Am I Wearing the best book I could make it. I’m absolutely honored that I get the chance to reach students and readers across the country. Introductions like Deb’s are validations of that hard work and I need to accept them with the graciousness and appreciation with which they are given.
How do you take praise?