$10 for Tuesday: In support of wounded soldiers
Leaving your family isn’t easy. I leave mine for a month or two at time. That’s a tough goodbye. Each time I’m faced with it, I think about the men and women of our military. They are gone for much longer and traveling to lands far less welcoming.
Returning home is always sweet. I return with my hair a bit longer, a few pounds missing, and some great stories. Annie usually cuts my hair within a few days, a couple weeks eating dessert puts the weight back on, and I stew over the stories making them readable. It takes next to no time for me to be back to normal.
But that’s not always the case for our soldiers.
They said goodbye. They went to war. Some of them returned injured.
I don’t know many soldiers. But I had the pleasure of meeting Scott Smiley who is one of a few blind active-duty soldiers. He was blinded in Iraq and is now a teacher at West Point. Scotty’s journey is recounted in his book Hope Unseen due out in September.
But sacrifices like Scotty’s are ones that I don’t think about enough.
Do you?
That’s why this Tuesday I’m sending my $10 to Team, Red, White, & Blue.
Team, Red, White, & Blue is a nonprofit that matches endurance athletes with wounded soldiers and their families. The athletes raise money that goes directly to the soldier. How cool is that?
Today it’s $10, but someday it will be buckets of sweat. I can’t wait.
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