Update (6/1): Okay, basically the blog has disappeared. Don’t worry it will be back and better than ever. I’ll take this downtime to write some killer posts for the relaunch, which will probably be next Thursday. Stop back then and you could win an iPod Nano among other things. (Note: If you win the iPod, don’t run it through the washer and dryer. I just did that with mine. It’s now useless…clean…but utterly useless.)
This blog is not performing the best right now. It loads slow on the front end and even slower on the back end. I’m not sure if it has something to do with the move to my shiny new blog or not, which is in process (the address will be the same). Anyhow, posts will be somewhat more limited for the next week or two. This will allow me to get some quality posts prepped for the relaunch and the iPod giveaway. I’ll be checking in on occasion and updating on Twitter regularly.
Until then, I’m tinkering with my Flickr sets and slideshows. Here’s a new set I just created made up of pix from my WAIW trip.