A little help here

By Kelsey

A very spiffy new version of this blog is only a few weeks a way and I need some help with a number of things:

1) Blog categories – As you can tell from the category list on the right, this blog is a mess. Half of those categories I created and never posted to again. So, the good folk at Rule29 who are designing the pending spiffiness are laying down the law. I only get five categories. Any thought on what they should be? I’ll toss out a few: Travel, Engaged Consumer, This Writer’s Life….?

2) What should I give away? Here’s what I’m thinking:

a. A rare Advanced Reader’s Copy of WAIW?
b. a WAIW? Shopping bag (my publisher is having these printed up)
c. a writing critique – you send me 2,000 words or less and I’ll tell you what I think and pass on a little advice (for what it’s worth) and perhaps a little career advice as well.
d. A CD with all of the radio essays/interviews I’ve recorded that relate to WAIW?
e. ?

Tell me what you think?

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