The truth about book tours

By Kelsey

A radio producer of a show that I’ll be doing in the near future asked me: “Will you be driving yourself to the interview or will you have an escort?”

Several folks at a newspaper that was interviewing me asked: “How long have you been on tour?”

Newsflash: I ain’t Stephen King.

I do not inhabit a world of escorts or book tours. I don’t have people that tell me where to be and when to be there. Many of the events and a fair amount of the interviews I’ve done have been the result of my very own pavement pounding. Writing a book is just a small part of the job, which also includes promoting the book and drumming up publicity.

My publisher has been helpful, but they’ve got a lot of books and there is only so much they can do. In fact, just the other day after agreeing to cover some upcoming expenses, they told me my “window” was closing. Apparently, after three months a book is old news.

WAIW? might be old news, but there’s good stuff still coming up, including reviews in the Christian Science Monitor and Wend Magazine, features in the Indianapolis Star and Good Magazine’s website, and host of upcoming events, which are listed on my newly created events page.


2/19 Reading at Carmichael’s Books Louisville, KY
2/22 Reading at Indiana University Bloomington, IN
2/23 Guest Speaker at the Palm Beach Democrats monthly meeting Palm Beach, FL
2/27 Reading at Montage Café at 7:30 Greenville, OH
3/10 Reading/Signing at Purdue University Lafayette, IN
3/? Barnes & Noble Indianapolis, IN

There’s probably more to come when I get around to arranging it. If you have a group, reading club, or bookstore that might be interested in having me come, let me know.