Introducing Harper Willow Timmerman

Annie and I are proud to announce the arrival of our first child - Harper Willow Timmerman. She arrived on 1-6-09 at 8:33 PM after nearly 24 hours of labor. (Annie was a trooper, although I must admit, I did a heck of a job running down cups of ice chips and counting to ten.) Harper weighs in at a healthy 7lbs 10oz and measures 22 inches long.

In related news…my heart melted.

(More photos on Flickr)

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Janelle says:

She is precious!! Congrats to the both of you!!! 🙂

Melissa says:

Congrats, what a cutie! That’s a great picture of Harper gazing up at your mom.

Mrs. M says:

What a BEAUTIFUL baby! She looks so much like Annie! I know it’s always hard to tell with new babies, but when I saw her picture, I just thought of Annie.
Congratulations and love to you both. Thanks for sharing this special time with us all!

Eva says:

Congratulations! She is so sweet!!

(In other news… 24 hours? Yowza.)

Jenn says:


Dana says:

Congratulations on your beautiful new addition! I thought she would be born closer to Christmas. Now I know why I didn’t hear of her arrival sooner! Hope all are doing well.

Kyle says:

Congratulations!!! She’s a real cutie! I can’t wait to hold her.

Matt Barhorst says:

Harper Willow Timmerman. That is a cool name. I love that name.

Congrats, very cool.

Kelsey! Congrats!! She’s beautiful!

Tim says:

I have just one question: Where was Harper\’s hat made and who made it? let me know when you get back from finding out 😉


Kristen says:

She’s beautiful!!! Congratulations!!

Sean says:

Congrats mate. Glad to hear all is well.

Emily says:

She is Annie through and through! We are very excited for you. Harper now balances the girl/boy ratio of the family.

Larry Olson says:

Wow, she is beautiful. Congratulations Kelsey and Annie and enjoy this incredible time together.

Jenn says:

Kelsey, where is the picture of YOU holding her? We want to see Harper with her proud daddy!

Katrina says:

Congrats…wrapped around her tiny finger yet?

How precious! Congratulations to you and Annie.

moonrat says:

YAY!!! conratulations!!!!!!

jessiev says:

CONGRATS!! how gorgeous she is!

Wendi says:

So cute!! Congratulations!!

Randy says:

Congrats. I found someone else with the name Harper. On the Show Wizards of Waverly Place there is a girl named Harper. As Jamie Says, “Willow” obviously was from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”

Mrs. M says:

I forgot to say that I really love her name… are you channeling Harper Lee and hoping she will become a writer?

Jaime Retter says:

Congratulations! She is beautiful. I can’t wait to meet her! I really love her name. It’s as pretty as she is 🙂

Donna McCoy says:

Such happy news………may Harper and her parents have many blessings. (she “was”due on my birthday but came on my fathers….interesting) Will she be a “Buckeye”?………lady b

vanessa says:

THAT IS AWESOME! I love the name too! WELL DONE!

docspaugh says:

That is NOT a Saintignon nose.

Carl says:

Congratulations from a proud great uncle. I’m looking forward to meeting Harper!

DALTON says:

Congratulations Congratulations Congratulations

Harper Willow Timmerman
dalton zahir

surovi says:

very cute baby. i like her.


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