Books & Co recap

By Kelsey

The Beavercreek Books & Co. is one of the coolest bookstores I’ve been to. New bookstores tend to sacrifice personality for space and efficiency, but Books & Co. managed to pull off all of these things – lots of books, two marble-like staircases, a fireplace.

One of the many things the store has going for it is public relations director Sharon Kelly Roth. She brings in big time authors like, most recently, Greg Mortensen, and makes the not-so big time authors (ME) feel big time. I spoke at a podium using a mic. There was a projector showing photos from my quest. She introduced me using an introduction she had written. There were several posters of the book and me around the store.

I asked Sharon how many people came for Mortensen’s talk and she told me it was around 800. Twenty came to my talk, which was pretty good considering the weather. In many counties around Dayton it was actually illegal to be on the roads. During a level III winter storm warning, if a cop sees you on the road, you can get a ticket. While 780 more people attended Mortenson’s talk, I doubt there was one of them who thumbed their nose at the law to be there.

Thanks to all who came!

Below is a pic of me and Christine Martinello, author of Momager. I first met Christine at the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Conference in Dayton. The last time I saw her, WAIW? was an idea.