Consumer Reconnection

By Kelsey

Scott Ballum was featured on All Things Considered today. He’s a 30-something designer turned “Who-made-my-stuff?” consumer. Since March he won’t buy or eat anything unless he’s met someone along the chain of its production, or as NPR so beautifully put, such as “the butcher, the baker, the tennis shoemaker.”

The parts I enjoyed most about the NPR piece were the interviews with his friends, and how his obsession has imposed on their lives. If there is one thing I’ve learned, it’s that you can’t take on a kooky mission alone. You need the support of family and friends who won’t disown you for being weird.

So a tip o’ my Made in China hat to Scott and his patient friends.

(Thanks to Kristen of Vagablogging and Stan of Harvard for pointing me toward the piece)