A Note from an engaged consumer

By Kelsey

I received a great email from a reader who picked up a copy of WAIW? As an engaged consumer Sonita has decided to not buy products Made in China.

Hello Kelsey,

I was standing in a ticketing line in Vancouver airport staring at the shelves of the bookstore & the title of your book jumped out at me. Needless to say, I bought it & have read it. I was eager to see what your experience & thoughts were on China. In March of 2008 someone sent me a PETA video clip on Facebook of animals being brutally & mercilessly skinned alive (foxes, dogs, cats & other furry animals I didn’t recognize) for the fur linings on winter jackets for the lining around the hood & sleeves. The animals were then left to die. I made a promise to myself to stop buying anything from China the very next day.

It’s been a challenge, but like you I check the label on simply everything I think of buying. It has also saved me a lot of money & helped me live without material possessions I previously would have bought & thought were necessary. Grocery shopping also took a new turn. Pot scrubbers, dish rags, Atlantic salmon-packed in China??? Tilapia, ready cooked shrimp, the list goes on forever. So the decision to not buy Chinese has changed my diet too.

More than that, the decision to not support them has made me more aware as a person in my daily life. I think about everything I touch, where it’s from, who made it etc.

So I guess I would like to say thanks to you for publishing your book. It was a very valuable read for where I am in my life at the moment. I can’t say that I have changed my mind on buying Chinese & I probably never will…..which is very interesting when it comes to thinking about having a family as simply every single piece of clothing & toy is produced in China.

Thanks again, I checked your blog, I hope you have wonderful time being a Dad.

Happy 2009