The Scene: A son sits in a Laz-Boy next to his father who is watching the NBA Playoffs. The son’s first book is six months away from being published.
Son (holds up book on natural hormonal balance): This your book?
Father: Nope. I’m not much of a book guy.
Son: When my book comes out will you read it?
Father: Probably not all of it. Maybe a few parts.
End Scene
In the matter of full disclosure, I’m the son and my dad truly is NOT much of a book guy. The only book I know of that he’s read cover to cover is about a boy named Homer Price and his doughnut machine. If I caught him actually reading a book, I’m not sure what I would say or do – perhaps faint.
So yes, I’m okay with my own father not reading my book…as long as he buys a copy.