
It’s my birthday…how about a gift?

By Kelsey

I’m beginning to learn that there is more work to writing a book than the actual writing. There’s the propositioning of other authors for blurbs to be included on the book, there’s the marketing considerations, and there’s the cover.

My publisher will primarily be taking care of the cover, but they asked me if I had any ideas, which was nice of them. I sent them a few pics of the workers and their homes and then they told me that we can’t use people on the cover. Then I directed them to the ultimate WAIW? slideshow to see if anything struck their fancy. So, I wasn’t much help. Here I’ve been thinking about all of the words that go in the book and not what goes on the book.

Today, I’m 29 and since I know that you want to recognize my last birthday before I’m 30, here’s something you can do for me…

Share any ideas about what images or concepts you think would be great for the cover of WAIW?

Or, if that isn’t quenching your desire to give me stuff, you can always send me money. Please round to the nearest $100.

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7-year old naps with 16-foot python in Cambodia

By Kelsey

This is unbelievable. Someone needs to send in the Supernanny.

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A thousand words…Garment Factory Owner

By Kelsey

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Homemade clothes

By Kelsey

I was at Hobby Lobby today and while Annie was shopping I looked around. I stumbled into the “make your own clothes” section and started looking at fabric. It was all made overseas, from Japan, China, Pakistan, all over the place. Even if you tried to remove yourself from the garment industry by making your own clothes, the stuff you use to make your clothes will be made by people much less fortunate.

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