The competition to sell the world’s poor laptops continues
I first wrote about the $100 Laptop project in November of 2006. It turns out the non-profit that introduced the project is getting serious, if not below-the-belt, competition from INTEL. There are billions of poor people out there that can’t afford a laptop and those staggering numbers could lead to big profit. What started as a warm and fuzzy project is turning into a bitter business battle. You can read about some of the ugliness in the Wall Street Journal.
My 11/06 post on the $100 Laptop –
Imagine walking into a village. Africa, Central America, it doesn’t matter just as long as it’s remote.
You probably got there by following some pot-holed dirt road. You saw a car, but it was broken down and holes were rusted in the side. There are no power lines in sight. Tonight’s dinner runs amok clucking or mooing.
You approach a building made of corrugated metal and spare 2×4’s. You hear kids chattering about as kids do. It must be a school. You peak in the window. And this is where things get real creapy…
Every kid pecks away at a laptop.
Yves Behar is designing a $100 laptop for countries to buy by the millions to give to school children. The goal - “One Laptop per Child.” Read about the project in Wired magazine.
What would this mean?
Worst case - Cultures are squashed as the children of the world become addicted to online poker.
Best case - World Peace as the children of the world obtain online degrees as pharmaceutical assistants from the University of Phoenix.
I think this is an awesome idea and I hope it comes about. It would be interesting to see how it influences cultures and international politics.
Read a commentary about the project in the Christian Science Monitor.
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