
Look ma! I’m quoted in the Wall Street Journal

By Kelsey

Wall Street Journal reporter Hannah Karp email interviewed me while researching her story The Stay-at-Home vacation. The article is about people who are concerned about their carbon footprint choosing not to fly, even if it means missing a siblings wedding or dream vacation. I take a slightly different stance:

That’s misguided, says Kelsey Timmerman, a 28-year-old Muncie, Ind., scuba-diving instructor and author. If he’d never been to the Great Barrier Reef, he wouldn’t care as much that it is dying from rising ocean temperatures. Decisions he makes as a consumer and a voter offset emissions resulting from his travels, says Mr. Timmerman, who visited Bangladesh, Cambodia and China last year. “Travel helps us care more about our world.”

I’ve heard rumblings of this debate, but had no idea the No-Fly movement was gaining so much ground. Really, I’m amazed that it is since flying represents only 4% of an individual’s average carbon footprint (Farting is probably more than 4%.) I can understand the desire to cutback on unnecessary travel, but missing your siblings wedding? My brother is getting married in Utah in March and if I told him that I wasn’t going to fly out for it because of my concerns of the planes pollution, I would sound like a jackass. I would be a jackass. I’m all for being their for the environment, but I’m even more for being there for my bro. As they say, “Bros before…CO’s.”

Here is the full answer I gave in an email to Hannah:

If I hadn’t been SCUBA diving on the Great Barrier Reef, I wouldn’t care as much that it and coral reefs around the world are dying because of rising ocean temperatures. If I hadn’t been hiking on glaciers in New Zealand, I wouldn’t care as much that it and glaciers around the world are melting because of rising global temperatures. If I hadn’t spent a month in Bangladesh, treated to the near limitless hospitality of the Bangladeshi people, I wouldn’t care as much that homes and lives are being swallowed by the rising sea.

Travel helps us care more about our world. I expect that the decisions I make as a consumer and a voter offset whatever negative impacts result from the fossil fuels burnt to get me from place to place.

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Today’s sign I need to grow up

By Kelsey

It’s my first conversation with my editor at Wiley and he’s giving me lots of great ideas of how to structure the book and, in general, the direction I should take it. He’s scanning through the chapters, which are named “My (insert article of clothing.”

He says: I’m looking at My Underwear…

I say: (irrepressible school girl giggle)…sorry.

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The fortune cookie says: The one who is truely wise won’t spend 6 years thinking about his cookie

By Kelsey

The New York Times has an interesting article on the origin of the fortune cookie, but I just couldn’t get over this…

Ms. Nakamachi, a folklore and history graduate student at Kanagawa University outside Tokyo, has spent more than six years trying to establish the Japanese origin of the fortune cookie…

6 years!? Researching the fortune cookie!? Is the world a better place? Does anyone really care about the fortune cookie – that much? I’m really not sure if I can think of a less worthwhile topic to research for 6 years. One month – maybe. A year – that’s pushing it. 6 years – no way.

Get your online fortune cookie (more fortune, less cookie) HERE. Share ‘em if you like. Mine says…

“It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as warning to others.”

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Adventures in SPAM: Chinese businessman wants to supple me

By Kelsey

I did it. I responded to the Chinese businessman that wants to supple me. Here’s what I wrote:

In all honesty, I think you are most excellent. To be truthful, I have not doubt that you are legal sellers. I’m not lying when I say that I’m intrigued by your low priced, quality products. If you could supple me with more information about your outstanding products, I would be forever in your debt.

Your friend,


It will be interesting to see what happens. I’ve never responded to SPAM before. I’ll keep you posted.

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10 things that I’ve done that you probably haven’t

By Kelsey

The blog I read the most is science fiction writer John Scalzi’s Whatever. Yesterday he posted 10 things that I’ve done that you probably haven’t. At first I thought this would be an exercise in one-ups-manship, but it’s more of a revelation of how unique, coincidental, and just plain stupid our individual lives are.

Here’s my list.

10 things that I’ve done that you probably haven’t

1. Been sprayed by a skunk
2. Watched David Blaine take a leak
3. stuck a sweater defuzzer on my tongue
4. held my breath and dove to 100’ beneath the Atlantic Ocean
5. Spent the night in Dracula’s Castle
6. been molested by a drag queen
7. touched a shark
8. melted a penny in flowing lava
9. been zorbing
10. taken 19 kids and one old man into a Bangladeshi amusement park for $67

How about you?

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It is official!

By Kelsey

Publisher’s Marketplace made the official announcement today. If you can’t read the pic here’s what it says:

14 January, 2008

Non-fiction Narrative: www.whereamiwearing.com blogger Kelsey Timmerman’s WHERE AM I WEARING?, in which the author learns about the garment industry by following the Made In China/Bangladesh/Honduras tags of a complete outfit and goes to the countries to visit the factories that made his clothes and talk to its workers, to Richard Narramore at Wiley, for publication in 2008, by Caren Johnson at Caren Johnson Literary Agency (World).

It just goes to show that any idiot with a pair of Jingle These underwear and a propensity to blow money on strange around the world quests can become an author.

Living the dream baby. Living the dream.

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China businessman wants to “Supple” me

By Kelsey

I’m tired of harder, stronger, longer-lasting, spine-tingling SPAM. So, it made my day when this email landed in my SPAM box:

(Dear friends,
Sorry to bother you.We are a large-scale merchandise wholesaler in China,
Our merchandise such as,Tv,notebooks,phones,psp,projectors,motorcycles,musical instruments ect.Our products are in good quality,but low price,it will interest you.At the same time,we can supple you the direct and quick service.we are legal sellers.
Our website is : www.nyqbw.com
MSN: nyqbw@hotmail.com
Email: nyqbw@hotmail.com
skype: nyqbw1
TEL: +86-15037747598
If you think we are excellent, please contact us.We will serve for you will all our effort.),,

What makes this bit of SPAM so palatable:

- The parentheses are the punctuational equivalent of whispers from a street hawker in an alley with an overcoat lined with knockoff watches.
- Ect.
- I’m always interested in being Supple-d. In fact, it has been quite some time since I’ve been Supple-d.
- “We are legal sellers.” To be honest, I’m not going to lie you, but more times than not, to be truthful, when someone says, they are “legal sellers” they are excellently full of crap.

I’ll pass on this offer from my dear, excellent friend, but if any of you feel like you need a nice supple-ing, feel free to contact him.

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Winners of the The First Annual Where Are YOU Wearing Christmas Inventory Contest of Destiny

By Kelsey

The You are a Spoiled Brat, You Should Feel Guilty Award goes to…

Jenn for her impressive list consisting of 23 items made in only 6 countries:

Green Abercrombie shirt – Made in Vietnam
Gray & White Gap shirt – Made in Sri Lanka
Gray AE hat – Made in China
Santa Claus socks – Made in Taiwan
UTMB sweatshirt – Made in Honduras
Blue snowman pajama pants from Gap – Made in Indonesia
Blue cashmere gloves – Made in China
Blue cashmere scarf – Made in China
Snowman slippers – Made in Taiwan
Purple pajama pants – Made in Indonesia
Pink corduroy jacket – Made in China
Life Is Good sweatshirt – Made in China
Green and white sleep socks – Made in ? (no tag)
3 pairs trouser socks (white, black, and tan) – Made in China
3 pairs “casual” socks (black patterns) – Made in China
Pink slippers – Made in China
Suede gloves – Made in China
Warming scarf – Made in China
Striped pajama pants – Made in China

And the You are NOT a Spoiled Brat, You Should NOT Feel Guilty Award (yeah, I just made this one up, but I felt sorry for her and she’s never won something around her before)…

Eva, who wasn’t very good this year and/or is a nudist with bad circulation in her fingers only received 1 pair leather/fleece-lined gloves - Made in China

Congratulations ladies. Go Here to pick out your prize and email your choice along with the address to which you want it sent to kelsey@travelin-light.com.

Thanks for playing.

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A thousand words…

By Kelsey

A pic from Hawaii, because summertime is a long, long time away…

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Powerful video: Indigenous People in Guatemala Evicted

By Kelsey

I saw this video posted here. If you want to skip right to the meat, start at 2:30. The lady in the pink shirt is amazing. No one else has the balls to tell the “Compania” what they think. She does.

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