It is official!

Publisher’s Marketplace made the official announcement today. If you can’t read the pic here’s what it says:

14 January, 2008

Non-fiction Narrative: blogger Kelsey Timmerman’s WHERE AM I WEARING?, in which the author learns about the garment industry by following the Made In China/Bangladesh/Honduras tags of a complete outfit and goes to the countries to visit the factories that made his clothes and talk to its workers, to Richard Narramore at Wiley, for publication in 2008, by Caren Johnson at Caren Johnson Literary Agency (World).

It just goes to show that any idiot with a pair of Jingle These underwear and a propensity to blow money on strange around the world quests can become an author.

Living the dream baby. Living the dream.

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Jenn says:

Congrats, Kels! Make sure to do a happy dance in your Jingle These boxers.

Kent says:

Propensity?! Nice word Kels… try and save some for the book.

btw, the boxers with your likeness are really comfortable. You should get yourself a pair.

Kelsey says:

Kent said: “the boxers with your likeness are really comfortable. You should get yourself a pair.”

Kent, that is the creepiest thing I’ve heard in a long while.

Jenn, trust me. They are a-jinglin’.

moonrat says:

caren johnson is your agent?! she’s MY FAVORITE PERSON on the PLANET!! go you 🙂

and congratulations!!

Melissa says:

This is great! Congratulations!

Kelsey says:

Yep, Caren has enough enthusiasm for about 6 Richard Simmons-es. She rocks!

Kent says:


hey, you’re the sicko that had the propensity to design an undergarment with your likeness on it and mail the draws to a compelete stranger.

Kyle Timmerman says:

Back off, suckers! I get the first signed copy!

Let your voice be heard!