Pray to Jesus, Obama ain’t one of ‘em Muslims
Barak Obama isn’t Muslim.
You can ask him. He’ll tell you.
Neither am I. But I’ve spent a lot of time around Muslims whose moral fabric, ethics, and patriotism were as good, if not better than most Americans.
The emails circulating around the country saying that Obama is a Muslim are a blight on our political process and an insult to the American people.
It’s disturbing that accusations of belonging to a certain religion have any positive or negative value whatsoever in politics. Whatever happened to religious freedom or all that equality mumbo jumbo in the constitution?
Obama vehemently denies the accusations, stating that he has attended the same Christian church for over twenty years and that he prays to Jesus. He does it eloquently and, unfortunately, he has had to do it often.
But wouldn’t it be great if he could say, “I’m not Muslim, but what if I was? What would be wrong with that?” Insert any religion: “I’m not Jewish, but what if I was?” Wouldn’t it be great if a candidate’s take on the issues and their character mattered more than what god they look to for guidance?
There has been a lot of talk this primary season about if America was ready for a woman or black president. It looks like we’re closer than we’ve ever been. We’ve come a long way and should be proud as a country.
But when will America be ready for a non-Christian President?
What are we to tell the young, American girl in the hijab or the American boy in the Jewish skullcap who say that when they grow up they want to be President?
“Kid, you’ll never be President. You aren’t Christian.”
Obama isn’t Muslim. But if he were, I would still vote for him.