Look at me Ma, I’m on ABC news!
I was browsing around today and stumbled across my latest contribution to the CS Monitor on the ABC news website.
It’s a funny thing not knowing when and where something you write and sell is going to show up. The Monitor has 90-day rights to do whatever the heck they want to do with anything I contribute to them. I suppose if they wanted to turn the Fantasy Kingdom piece into a mini-series starring Ricky Schroeder they could.
It would be nice to be in the know about where and when my writing is going to show up, but I don’t have much of a problem not knowing. Really, I think it’s pretty cool that someone at ABC News liked my story, too. And it’s a nice bio booster to say that my work has appeared on ABC News.
For the record, I’m not going to hold my breath on the Rick Schroeder at Fantasy Kingdom mini-series.