Bangladesh: Floods and Riots

By Kelsey

There is a lot happening in Bangladesh right now. The country floods every year, but this year is worse than most. My buddy Dalton who lives in Dhaka has posted pictures from the city on his blog Dalton’s World. People are up to their armpits in water. And with water comes diarrhea and snakes.

And there have been riots at Dhaka University. Students are protesting against the military-backed caretaker government, which has been in place since the fall of 2006. The consensus in Dhaka when I was there was that I couldn’t have come at a safer time. Demonstrations and public gatherings were banned and police were on nearly every corner. I felt safe enough. But it seems the caretaker government is wearing out its welcome.

To explain the situation, here’s a glimpse of my notes on the subject:

The Prof explains to me the political situation in Bang. Their constitution has been formatted so that before an election a caretaker government takes over to make sure the elections are run properly. This was written in after a ruling party was fixing the election boards in previous elections. This time the caretaker government, with the Army’s assistance, decided that fair elections were impossible and they must remain in power. The elections were supposed to be in January, but they keep on being delayed. The scary thing is that an upper military figure is touring Bang saying much of the things that a politician looking for an office would say.