Gandhi is dead, long live Ben Kingsley

By Kelsey

Let me set the scene. I was in the apartment of Bibi Russell, UN Ambassador/supermodel/fashion designer, in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

(From the Bangladesh Chapter, which is well into the not–sucking process now)

I sat in her living room and drank watermelon juice and ate cookies.

Her place was decorated with indigenous instruments of wood and metal. The decorated carriage of a rickshaw stood in one corner. She pointed out a picture of Gandhi and I asked if she met him.

“He died in the 1930’s.” She politely informed me.

“Well, if he would have been alive, you would have met him.” I’m an idiot and nothing I can do or say can change that. Although in my defense, Ben Kingsley who played Gandhi in the movie is still alive.

“Probably.” She said politely.