Wakeup China!

By Kelsey

If you lived in Guangzhou, how would you start your day? The choices:

Running backwards in white, see-thru shorts that allow the early morning revelers to see that your black underwear are riding up.

Tai Chi in your pajamas.

Ballroom dancing on the river walk. Who needs a ballroom? Who needs music?

Body thumping – pounding your fists up and down your body. Good morning chest. Good morning bicep. Good morning butt cheeks.

Wiggling. You’re old. You don’t want to move much, but you want to put on a show as if you are active and will live longer than 3 weeks.

Group singing. You are good enough that a strange foreigner pulls out a microphone and records you. You don’t care about him. You don’t care about much of anything because all of this singing is just so darned pleasant.

Solo tennis. Tether a ball to a weighted bag and swing away.

Fishing, swimming, playing cards, etc.

Obviously, my activity of choice is people watching - very enjoyable (except for Mr. Runs Backwards).