The USA Exports T-shirts?

In fact we do. But not brand new ones.

40% of the world’s used clothing exports originate in the USA. This is why if you’re in Romania, you could see a faded Deloit Dragons Little League shirt on which the letters have fallen off to reveal unfaded shadows of them, being worn by a wrinkled grandma.

This is also why in Africa the Buffalo Bills are one of the greatest NFL Dynasties of all-time.

Read Far away, Super Bowl’s Losers Will Be Champs

Kent says:

Kelsey, Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Go to Uganda, pry a 1991 Buffalo Bills Championship t-shrit off the back of a village boy. Fly to Buffalo and sport your fancy t-shrit around bars and shopping malls all day.

Kelsey says:

Now that would be a story.

But I do have a few concerns…

I’m thinking I could buy the shirt off the village boy’s back for a few bucks, but the trip to Uganda would be quite pricey. Kent, if you pay my way I’ll go.

Also, I can’t decide if I’ll get my ass kicked in Buffalo for wearing the shirt or if they’ll love me for it and buy me dinner.

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